Thursday, 30 June 2011

Musical WIP

Doodled this today and added a bit of a lighting guide to it. I think it's looking pretty good, it was mainly to sketch an outfit idea I had tho' X3

The waistcoat and shirt's got a little bit of a Gumi vibe going on, but nothing a funky colour scheme can't fix >D I love short waistcoats to bits, so it was a safe bet that'd be in there somewhere ^.^

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Weird dream

Okay, I'm gonna blame Doctor Who on this one. It was certainly...odd, to say the least.

Behind a cut 'cause it ended up longer than I thought it would.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

TrickSong doodles

Was tidying up my room ready for the big pre-holiday clean and took a quick look at what I dubbed my 'Trick book', it's bright red and 99% of the drawings in it are from TrickSong (the odd other doodle snuck in there when I was bored).

Ended up finding a few sketches that I really don't know why I didn't share. They're rough, sure, but they're little ideas and such I've had for when I eventually start drawing it out.

 Didn't even finish sketching Sophie in this, but the little baby in that pic is so cute!! I kinda forgot how cute until I saw it today, I wanna make a plushie version of it one day X3

 Hannah holding the li'l baby while he's crying. Awww ):

Sophie wanted to play with portals. She still needs to figure the basics, methinks.

A sci-fi style world. She's got some kind of techno-suit on. The robot next to her doesn't have much more than a design yet.

Wanted to try something more summery for Soph. I love tiered skirts ^^

And finally, not exactly TrickSong related, but cosplay related instead. A TrickSong style pic of my thief cosplay. Next to it is a dagger design I drew. Still not sure what the final design'll be, but I like the shape :3

And now back to tidying my room up. 'Til next time, folks!

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Game time!

No acorn post just yet, but for now, here's Sophie, Brett and Hannah playing on the Wii! X3

Hannah's...not too good at it, heheh.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Let the geekery commence!

Time to finally start using this place! Prepare for doodles, random nostalgia, cosplay and geekery!

...Well, I hope so XD

Anything anyone who might be reading wanna see? I'm hoping to share some of the fun of shows and games I had when I was a kid that people don't talk about as much. Might even make a video or two if things go well :3

So this place is for all that, and my actual 'official' website, Huggable Charm, is for crafts and such ^^

First proper post'll hopefully be this weekend. I think I'll post a small series of blogs about my own Acorn Archimedes. So many fun times and so much weirdness to share with people. Fun times.