Friday, 25 June 2010


Well, uni's passed and I figured it was time I made a proper blog for all my work to go on (tried before in the past, but let's not talk about that ;P). Hopefully it'll lead to more sketchdumps, more plushie attempts and hopefully some videos when I can figure how not to be awkward in front of a camera!

Soo...yeah, I miss casual blogging without thinking about who on my dA watchers list sees what I write, hopefully I'll be less conscious here and more free with my opinions here :)

So, in the meanwhile, here's pages from my upcoming webcomic that I'm sure a load of you have seen already, but I haven't got a sketchdump rounded up yet XP

...And now I'm wishing blogger's image system was this awesome when I was posting masses of sketches for uni XD

Right, time to get that sketchdump together! It'd be nice if I could post something every couple of days, even if it's what I'm up to. 'Til next time!

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