Tuesday 28 June 2011

Weird dream

Okay, I'm gonna blame Doctor Who on this one. It was certainly...odd, to say the least.

Behind a cut 'cause it ended up longer than I thought it would.

So it started with some things I can't quite remember, I think a blimp was involved or something. Then I was back at my house, and some people we knew (or were at least aquinted with), had died. No one I actually know, they were like filler characters or something. Apparently the deaths were suspicious, so it was being investigated.

Then, out of nowhere, the people show up in my kitchen, saying they were fine all along. I was shocked and wondered what was going on, but then they started going all strange. And this is where I blame Doctor Who, 'cause they started acting like the Flesh in that two-parter from the latest series (they were doppleganger people made from an odd gooey white substance and kept switching how real they looked during the episodes. Was kinda freaky X_x). We knew they weren't real at that point, so we somehow got them out of the house. A lot of force was needed, but they were out and we thought we were safe.

Then they managed to get back in, and it turned into a survival sort of thing, were we had to keep them out so they couldn't do...whatever (I forgot a lot of the details, annoyingly enough). We then discovered (I say 'we', a lot, but I can't remember who I was with, I think it was someone else I'd never seen before) that to get rid of them, we had to pull them apart, like, 'cause they were made of an odd goo, we could do that. It wasn't gross, thankfully. So the next time one got in, we did just that. Can't remember what we did with the pieces, I think they were thrown into a fire or something.

The part I remember most was when they actually started talking logically, trying to reason with us and some even tried to convince us they weren't those weird goo things. One was a little girl, who asked me very politely if she could come in. She, however, was at the same door the others were getting through with, so I told her I couldn't, but thinking how horrible it would be to tear even a fake little girl apart. So she walks away and I reach for the key to lock the door (I have no idea why I'm so willingly opening this door, seriously). I get worried that the moment I turn my back to get the key, they'll come in. Once I get the door locked, I watch through the window as the girl walks up to one of the goo things I definately know wasn't a real person and starts talking to him, probably what she'd found out, whatever that was.

Next thing I knew I was lying on my bed with my brother sat on my computer chair. I told him that at the rate it was going (they were pretty much constantly trying to get in at this point), I wasn't going to leave my room ever again. ...Which makes no sense because it was the kitchen I needed to be in.

But then I woke up, feeling really glad it was a dream. As inconsistant as it was, it just did not have a nice feeling around any of it. The whole time I felt uneasy and I was glad to be out of it.

So yeah, to me it's totally Doctor Who's fault XD Takes me a while for my brain to process what I've watched, so dreams can come days, weeks, even months later after seeing something.

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