Wednesday 30 June 2010

Quick, use the backup!

Tried using my sister's camcorder to record direct to the computer ready for some videos. That really didn't go well, no program would read it or didn't have the option to capture it. So, less professional as it looks, I'm gonna have to use my webcam for it, which doesn't look too bad during the day but is still a little grainy. It'll do until I can find a better option. At least it's a higher quality webcam :)

As for the first video I'm gonna do, it's about something I've loved for a very long time (my first 'fandom', in fact, although fandom for me back then consisted of talking to friends at school excitedly about it). I'd love to make it a series of videos, and what I'm working on is the introduction. Here's hoping! I'm open to guesses for what I'm doing (unless I already told you ;P), it's not like I'm very quiet on the matter ^^;

A little clue - I've been raiding my collection and grabbing scans off the net for the past 2 days while scripting it ;D

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Stranger things have happened

Okay, for those who know me, they know I have a thing against skirts. Not by any fault of their own, I just do. Well today I finally said enough is enough.

I promised a couple of friends I'd post photos, so here they are! Lame quality, but I lost my camera USB cable so I had to record a video on my webcam then nab screencaps from it in a video editor ^^;


Little curtsy X3



This'll probably be my only post today, I've been out all day and sorting this is the first thing I've had chance to do on my computer. Will hopefully post something more interesting tomorrow, like whether I'm gonna be able to record that video I wanted to do or not (still a secret. shhh.)

Monday 28 June 2010


So recently I've been remaking old pictures that I really liked, thought had a lot of potential, but I either didn't have the skills to pull it off or I didn't put the effort in to really make it work. It also gave me the chance to work with new styles and refine older styles.

Here's some remakes I've done over the past year.

Original (Flash file)








In general, all the remakes I've done so far have either improve composition/angles, more detail in both the drawing and the colouring and more context with the subject matter than the originals.

Sunday 27 June 2010

Original story project

Decided to write some more info about what I'm planning (if all goes well), based on responses I've had since I posted it last night (I got a lot, too. Awesome!)

Okay, so there's a few rules for suggesting stories.
  • Stories can be in any medium - animation, fiction, webcomic, audioplay, any medium you can think of
  • They can be popular or obscure, by yourself, a friend or someone who's work you admire (or don't like). Good or bad, if there's enough material to provide analysis or opinions, then it's all good
  • Stories can be one-shot and self-contained, but if they are on-going, having enough material to have the characters and story properly established is far more preferable, as it gives more to work with
  • Writing a short explaination of why you like or dislike the story when suggesting one (writing, characters, art, etc.) help to add an initial opinion and give me a brief idea of what it is like before I read it. I can't read/watch all suggestions (slow reader, heheh), so adding this'd help a lot
  • Tho' I will try and read fiction, webcomics, animations and audioplays would be preferred if they're long. As I said, I'm a slow reader, so spending a long time reading something only for it not to work out wouldn't work too well
  • I will include material from the stories in the posts (pictures, comic pages, text, etc) for analysis and  purposes. If the original creators have any issue with this, I'm willing to discuss it with them (but it is allowed under fair use)
  • Recommendations can be sent to my email (angelbless1(AT)gmail(DOT)com) or by note on deviantART

I think that's it for the rules and such. If anyone's got any ideas for rules or suggestions for what I could look at (or a name for this series), let me know! :D

Saturday 26 June 2010

Sketch time~

Time for a mini sketch dump!

So a while ago (last October, wow o.o) I posted this pic of Sophie and Trick in Cloud Land.

I decided to go back to it and start working on locations, characters and the like. I didn't get too far with locations, but I got designs for the little cloud people :)
The one of the left is like the king and the one on the right is an ordinary cloud person.

And of course, the 'real world' needed more characters, and I tend to work in a 'two girls to one' group scenario, so they match up with Sophie, Hannah and Brett.

(keep in mind these names may change, depending)

On the left is Summer, half a year younger than Sophie but she has a 'childish and mature' attitude. She acts like what Sophie does is silly but still has those kid moments herself, such as liking attention on her when she thinks she deserves it.

In the middle (and looking teeny in that pic XD) is Zack, who likes playing football at breaktimes and gets kind of annoyed when Sophie and her group play in an area that they could use to expand their pitch area.

On the right is Suzanne, who likes to note take (mentally and literally) about people, picking up on strange aspects of their personality and is perceptive to changes in attitude and such. She's not so much Zack's friend, but she's a close friend of Summer's.

With three characters' names starting with 's', I think I should consider a name change for one of those two ^^; Which sucks 'cause I like both of them.

And finally, after some talking with Xanthera, we got some more ideas for places Sophie could have adventures. One idea was an Atlantis kind of place, so I doodled a mermaid Sophie as a practise, since I think it'll be one of the first places she goes to.

I'm not gonna reveal all the story ideas here, just the ones that I wanna hint at so I can show drawings from it. I've got a loooot of doodles no one's gonna see until it's in comic form >:D

Friday 25 June 2010


Well, uni's passed and I figured it was time I made a proper blog for all my work to go on (tried before in the past, but let's not talk about that ;P). Hopefully it'll lead to more sketchdumps, more plushie attempts and hopefully some videos when I can figure how not to be awkward in front of a camera!

Soo...yeah, I miss casual blogging without thinking about who on my dA watchers list sees what I write, hopefully I'll be less conscious here and more free with my opinions here :)

So, in the meanwhile, here's pages from my upcoming webcomic that I'm sure a load of you have seen already, but I haven't got a sketchdump rounded up yet XP

...And now I'm wishing blogger's image system was this awesome when I was posting masses of sketches for uni XD

Right, time to get that sketchdump together! It'd be nice if I could post something every couple of days, even if it's what I'm up to. 'Til next time!