Sunday 29 January 2012

Cosplay progress #4

So I posted pics of the glove I was working on a couple of posts ago. Things with it...really didn't work out well ^^; So I decided to try the left glove with a new technique and hoped it'd work :D

Here's all the messy bits from the glove you didn't see before.

Emphasis on messy. Here's a close look.
Yikes. The type of material I'm using is perfect in that it stays cool so I can wear these gloves for longer, but boy does it fray! I tried reinforcing the stitching with my sewing machine, but it wouldn't track it along properly and made horrible thread clumps and loose stitches. I think it's safe to say this one's a right off. Until I figure what I can do with it, anyway.

So! Glove #2's turn, and I came armed with new ideas to stop the icky fraying and weird wrinkling on the previous glove. PVA glue! XD Well, not really. I mean, I tried it on the edges and it works, but it's rough too. Not the best solution for something on your hands all day.

So my next idea was the good old blanket stitch. And you know what? I works pretty well. Only problem here is that it bulks up the seams and makes the fit tighter, something I never had a problem with in the previous one. Sacrifice one to gain another, huh?

I've only sewn the fingers and thumb on, not the sides, but here's the fit. A lot neater looking overall.

But of course, there's the problem of having it a smaller fit. My poor index finger D: Good grief is it tight on the poor thing!
Practically stuck to it, there's no space to bend it or let it breath X_x

Naturally, I can cut the seam a bit, but that brings back my problem of resewing the blanket stitching to avoid fraying again. With 3 weeks to go, I should be able to do it, but I'll have to tweak the right one to fix this, that's for sure.

That's it for my random glove ramblings. Here's hoping soon I have some good results to share with you all :D

Monday 23 January 2012

Cosplay progress #3

Glad to say more progress has been made! It's not finished yet, but I've got a WIP of my waistcoat to show off today :D

Complete with a wooden sword my sis bought from the English Heritage X3 There's a ton of pins, but it's a good idea how it'll look and I love it to pieces already!

Also got a super quick webcam pic of my cosplay so far, minus waistcoat, gloves, socks and boots. Loving it so far, it's turning out better than I thought it would!

Still got the fun part of making a sheath out of leatherette coming up. Hopefully it'll turn out alright, I don't think I've got enough for retries ^^;

Sunday 15 January 2012

Cosplay mini-update

So I realised earlier today, I've been working on this cosplay with my own little tweaks in mind based off the Final Fantasy III thief, but I never really posted a proper pic of how I was hoping it to turn out.

So today, I did :)

Not much more work to go with it now~ Yay! :D

Saturday 14 January 2012

Cosplay progress #2

Waistcoat's still being working on right now (main material and lining's been sewn, but not put together yet), but I got a couple of other things finished in the last couple of days to show you all :D

My finished sash. Was originally gonna have a bag hidden underneath it, but it won't fit, so I'm making an overshoulder drawstring bag. The bandana's done too, but I suck at putting them on, so no pic there 'til the cosplay's all done XP Say hi to Spyro!

Also finished my cute little loot bag! :D Made from some funky material I found at HobbyCraft the other day. I love raiding the offcuts bin, you get half meters of stuff so you don't need to buy a ton of fabric for one little project ^^ It's going to tie just infront of where my dagger and sheath will be, which is the side my sash is tied.

And looksy what's inside~

All my little gems I glued a few months back! :D Adds some great weight to it so It hangs better and it'll be a fun little prop for photos and such.

Now I just gotta get on with my other props... Sewing leatherette. That should be fun.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Cosplay progress #1

Since this blog's getting a bit underused, I decided for now I'll use it for cosplay progress! :D

For those curious, I'm cosplaying my own thief design from Final Fantasy and my sister's cosplaying a red mage. We're gonna be at the Midlands MCM Expo in Telford on Febuary 18th.

So right now, I've got pretty much everything I needed from shops bought, including boots, shorts, socks, shirt and the things I need to make the rest.

Today me and my mum spent the afternoon cutting out all the pattern pieces we needed for both me and my sister's cosplay. So hopefully I'll have a funky green waistcoat to show you all soon ;3 Same goes for my bandana and sash. I got my measurements and all that sorted, just gotta cut them out, add hems and all that good stuff!

For those wanting some photo progress, I got a couple to show how it's going ^^

Taken a month or so back. May have overknee socks, may have knee socks, we'll see. All that's missing is the stuff I gotta sew myself X3

And now for a glove :P Got some tweaks to make to this still, such as sewing the top of the glove to give it more definition and make the fingers not so wrinkly. Other than that, it fits like, well, a glove!

Should have more updates soon. With the expo next month, I really gotta get cracking, huh?