Monday 20 February 2012

Midlands MCM Expo 2012

So I suppose I should probably do a write up! XD

Didn't have the best start to the day. Rain, mostly >.o So me and my sis had to rush inside to finish sorting our cosplays out indoors. Soon as we'd done that tho', this man and woman with pretty pro looking cameras asked us for pics! :D Trouble is, I can't remember the man's name so I dunno if I'll be able to find them on FB ._.

It was crazy busy this year. Like, usually, it's pretty deserted in the morning compared to the afternoon, but this year it was as crowded as it would be in the afternoon, and only got more crowded after that!

Met up with CowgirlEm and she gave me an Allen Walker figure she bought a couple of years ago <3 It's so awesome ^___^

The dance meet was pretty fun. Didn't get as many dances as we'd hoped done 'cause the only speakers we had kept cutting out and the people who were also bringing speakers didn't show up 'til nearly half and hour late X_x But we got Happy Synthesizer done as a practise ready for the bit stage performance. During that time I was approached by 3 uni students who asked me for an interview for a mini cosplay documentary they were doing! I think I rambled on way too much, but they seemed happy enough :3 Also got to 'teach' the presenter some moves to the Caramelldansen para para. It was really funny X3

Before the dance meet, I recorded a very teeny sketch with my friend xMooWithMehx. Too bad the audio didn't come out well at all, I can't even make out what I said in most of it! XD Still hoping I can do something with it, it was a fun idea :3

After that was probably the downer of the day. The Nintendo staff that were sorting out the Hironobu Sakaguchi signings. We lined up (the queue had 10 people max at the time) and got told we were past the cut off point. We were annoyed, but left anyway. Then a load of people people (at least 20) joined the line and got autographs! And we were STILL told we were past the cutoff point when we tried to join the line again! Long story short, if we had ignored that staff and hung around close, we would've got in the line easy. That reeeeaaally bugged me. They could've handled that a hell of a lot better.

 I managed to get a pic tho'. Proof I was there to bask in his glory! X3

But anyways, I pushed my annoyance at that aside (wasn't Sakaguchi's fault, afterall) and went to find a seat with my sis for the Merlin panel to sit down for the first time since I got there. They only allowed photos during the first 5 mins. Granny Gertrude figured it was to do with the BBC when I asked if we were still good to record the masquerade (gotta make sure, afterall). But I got a quick pic in that time :3

The mics were a bit low in sound so it was a bit hard to make out everything they said, especially since the Robots Live thing was on. My sis heard enough of it to enjoy it tho' :3

Then there was the MCM Buzz podcast, which my sis recorded, and I headed off just before it finished to meet up with xMoo and oElectronic so we could chill a bit before the performance. Thanks to the HCLA Brigade, we were gonna dance Happu Synthesizer while the judges were deciding winners. We all got so nervous, and we didn't know if we'd be able to do it because of the huge amount of entries this year, but the HCLA Brigade got on stage and we joined, got in position and did it. Which is probably one of my biggest achievements, to be honest. I'm very shy at performing infront of anyone, but hearing the crowd cheer at the end made it beyond worth it! :D Cosplay always gives me the confidence I never have anywhere else, I'm even getting the idea in my head of entering the masquerade sometime!

After that, I was buzzing with energy, so while the winners were being announced, me and xMoo played some DDR after we parted ways with oElectronic. The results sadly won't be televised (since my sis was recording the masquerade still), but long story short, I won again XD

So the day ended and we headed off to grab some dinner and go home. I ended up buying Sonic and Tails figures, each with one badnik, a mini Len plushie to go with my Rin and a whole lot of Hello Panda <3

And now to go out on a couple of photos of my cosplay ^^ Other cosplay photos I have are here~


Here's hoping my cosplay next year is even better! ...And that I have a job to pay for it! XD

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